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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

so what would happen if I wrote You a letter...

Dear Future-Very-Special-Person.

Hi! It may seem a little strange to receive something from someone you haven't met yet, but strange things do happen from time to time, and life's all the more wonderful for unexpected surprises. Knowing that sooner or later the mysteries that govern the universe will throw the both of us together, I could not resist jumping the gun and sending this letter your way! Who knows? Pre-emptive action may provoke Father Time to start walking faster!

Let me introduce you to... well... to me! I would send you a photograph, but then again I know you are not the sort of person to go simply for looks! No, you would probably be most interested in the subtleties of my mind and the depth of my feeling, what say you?! As you can tell, I am pretty thick skinned, and not afraid to show it!
And what have I been doing and feeling while we've been apart? Well, I can tell you what I've been doing and feeling most recently. These days, I've had a lot of NEW around me: new country, new house, new job, new friends, new hobbies... I've also had a lot of OLD on my mind: old memories, old friends, old habits, old feelings... It's been a heavy bombardment on all my senses, but I think the dust is finally settling, and slowly but surely I am now paying attention to my inner compass. I am beginning to notice little things I missed before in all the manic energy of people and places... little things like the little wisps of sunshine on the dirty water of the Thames; the drone of an old radiator in my flat; the crisp feel of the pages of a new book fresh out of Waterstones; the taste of carbon in the wind as I walk home every day. More importantly, these days I have found that I like spending time with me, and it's pretty much an achievement. But enough about me... I'm curious about you!

So tell me about yourself. Yes, the real YOU. Tell me what you think, what you do and what you are. Tell me where your favourite place is, what music makes you cry, what books make you dream and who you love to spend time with. Tell me what you are proud of, and what you would rather nobody knew. Tell me what you wish you had done and what you wish you could do. Tell me why the caged bird sings...

Tell me about the mundane and the ordinary. Tell me your favourite colour. Tell me your favourite flower. Tell me if you prefer Star Trek or Star Wars. Tell me if you prefer the left or the right side of the bed. Tell me if you prefer to do the laundry or mop the floors. Tell me your star sign. Tell me what kind of toothpaste you use. Tell me which Simpson you like. Tell me how many shoes you bought this year so far.

If all the above is simply too much (and I know I can be intense), let's make it simple. After-all you don't really know me very well yet. I'll content myself with answers to two questions...
Just tell me... where are you, and what are you doing this Valentine's Day?

Wahre Leibe

Mein Sein

Das Ganz Normale Leben

Dreifach Schön