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Ein Ganzer Sommer

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Ah... the joys of experimentation! I love that merry jumble of possibilities juggled in a test-tube... the Devil-May-Care-Que-sera-sera that throws me off my carefully coursed and paved day-to-day!

But see Reader, it wasn't always like that...

Forest Gump can keep his box of choccies! For someone who has invariably mapped out their life very carefully, or at least foolishly believed she has, it is a brave thing to get off the beaten path in a dark forest.

Last night when I got home from Portsmouth, I remembered how scared I was the day before I left Singapore to go back to London after a two-year absence. I had sat outside my flat on a hot January night smoking my second packet of ciggarettes and furtively confessed to a friend that I was afraid of leaving everything I knew behind and starting a new job, making new friends and starting a new life far far away...

Four months later, I am sitting down on my sofa on a Monday evening, realising that I have:

(1) settled into my job;
(2) moved into a lovely neighbourhood;
(3) met wonderful people, and some have become my friends;
(4) set up this blog (something I never thought I would ever have the patience to do); and
(5) started jamming with people who continue to challenge me to get better at what I love to do...

...and I ask myself: Would I ever have done any of this if I didn't get on that plane and dare to leave all the familiarity behind... if I didn't push myself out of my comfort zone and try what I had no idea I would be able to do... in short if I didn't experiment? Oh yes, it all could have gone terribly wrong... but because I took a chance, I gave it the opportunity to work out right!

And the best thing was not knowing how anything was going to pan out. Maybe if I had known how it would have ended, I would have taken the opportunity for granted, and not bothered...
Cole Porter said it best in a lyric of his:

Before you leave these portals to meet less fortunate mortals,
there's just one final message I would give to you.
You all have learned reliance on the sacred teachings of science,
so I hope through life you never will decline,
in spite of philistine defiance,
to do what all good scientists do.

Experiment, Make it your motto day and night.
Experiment, and it will lead you to the light.
The apple on the top of the tree is never too high to achieve.
So take an example from Eve.
Be curious, though interfering friends may frown.
Get furious, at each attempt to hold you down.
If this advice you'll only employ,
the future can offer you infinite joy and merriment.
and you'll see.

So Reader - In the spirit of experimentation, I give you the cocktail-making-extravaganza we had over this bank holiday weekend at Carl's house. Much like life... you never know what you are going to get in a cocktail, and the only sure thing is the hang-over the morning after... and for that there is always Aspirin...
And so, I leave you to conduct your own experiments wherever you are, which will undoubtedly be just as colourful as the pictures that follow...

First the rules....

1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory. "Responsibility" naturally is a relative concept...

2. Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand a direction or part of a procedure, ASK YOUR TEACHER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE ACTIVITY... (unless the teacher does not care, in which case - GO WILD!)
3. Perform only those experiments authorized by your teacher. Carefully follow all instructions, both written and oral. Unauthorized experiments are not allowed... unless fantastic cocktails ensue from such forays...

4. Bunsen Burners are dangerous! Never light these without an adult or a teacher present. On the other hand, if this proves too tempting for the pyromaniac in you, at least know the locations and operating procedures of all safety equipment including: first aid kit(s), and fire extinguisher and bear in mind where the fire alarm and the exits are located.

5. Do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the laboratory. Do not use laboratory glassware as containers for food or beverages.
6. Observe good housekeeping practices. Work areas should be kept clean and tidy at all times.

7. Always work in a well-ventilated area - preferably beside the sea...
8. Fumes from chemicals can cause drowsiness or hallucination. If you feel unwell at any time, do inform your teacher. (Please see pictures below of students having a hallucinatory experience.)

9. Do share the results of all experiments with your fellow lab mates. Learn from each other!

10. Remember to keep your energy up by eating a well balanced meal of Ling's fried noodles

...as this will help sustain you into the wee small hours of the morning...

11. Be prepared for your work in the laboratory. Read all procedures thoroughly before entering the laboratory. Never fool around in the laboratory. Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are dangerous and prohibited... but dam'mit ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!

...especially when the rhythm gets you going...

... in which case


11. Experiments must be personally monitored at all times. Do not wander around the room, distract other students, startle other students or interfere with the laboratory experiments of others... unless they want to be interfered with, in which case interfere away!

12. Stay continually alert during the course of all experiments. Then again, should you feel tired, just curl up on the nearest sofa and drift off!

(and don't set the alarm clock!)



Anonymous said...

You terrible riverman you! All those photos! Hee hee, but you did not get me!

Riverman~~~ said...

Quick! Tell me who you are anon, and I will get you as well! Aww come on! Don't be shy!

Anonymous said...

oh what a night!! memories are flooding back..great photos!

Riverman~~~ said...

See anon?! Thunder likes my photos... Now come clean and tell me who you are!

Anonymous said...

I ain't clean!

Anonymous said...

You did however; forget one very important piece of advice for would-be scientists. Never but never mix incompatible substances together.

Some substances shouldn't be mixed together. In fact, these substances shouldn't even be stored near each other on the chance that an accident could occur and the substances could react. Be sure to keep incompatibilities in mind when reusing containers to store other substances. Here are some examples of mixtures to avoid:

Tequila and Acid’s (such as fruit juices) – best to take neat

Coconut based liquors with spare ribs – results in explosive vomiting

Rum, Vodka, Gin, Tequila and Absinthe with cocktail cherry and pink umbrella - the colours of the resulting mixture clash

Karaoke and Malcolm – Results in an incompatible sound / dance combination

Andy and any form of Alcohol – results in spontaneous sleeping

Ling’s noodles and Mojitos – those exposed have been known to gain 5Kg

Riverman~~~ said...

Ah yes wise one who chooses to remain anonymous... You have fittingly summarised the carnage that you bartended towards!

Thanks for a wonderful party, and please accept my apologies on behalf of all the revellers for not staying to help you mop up the disaster zone!

Wahre Leibe

Mein Sein

Das Ganz Normale Leben

Dreifach Schön